

Don't Forget To Love, part 11 of 24

Welcome to the Single-Minded Movie Blog advent calendar. Between the 1st and the 24th of December every day will bring you a short post about a film or a TV-show you shouldn't forget to love.

C.R.A.S.H. (1984)

I apologize to non-Danish readers for this, but it's time for some serious childhood nostalgia. Back in 1984 Danish TV launched a weird series for kids. It was created by Carsten Overskov, and told the story of the boy Birger, who discovers that his room can fly. All the way into space! He immediately ends up in the middle of an intergalactic crisis. A mad genius wants to take control over the universe, and he's got an evil plan that involves a black hole.

This show had it all: Space ships, robot soldiers, a space station on the edge of a black hole, a girl with humongous boobs, and more visual effects than in any other Danish TV production before or since.

Back then I was already a huge Star Wars fan, but I had also begun to take an interest in how visual effects were made, so I watched with bated breath as the 1 hour behind the scenes documentary carefully explained how they created the show. I went to an exhibition of the actual models used for the show, and I was building my own versions of the space destroyers out of LEGOs. Good times.

This show probably won't impress new viewers, but I don't care. Back then it BLEW MY MIND. I don't think I ever quite recovered.

Never forget to love it, assuming you knew it in the first place.

PS: The show can (for the time being) be watched online at


  1. Oh ja, den gamle udstilling i legetøjsmuseet. Sikke sager de havde derine af modeller og Star Wars legetøj!
    Ja og Rumpigen Isis og hendes stramme gule tøj jo. Jeg talte med Lars Ranthe på en opgave engang og snakken faldt på pigen der og hendes imponerende planeter...

  2. Håber han fik lov til at motorboate dem!
