

2017: The Stats

2017 was the year where I resigned to the fact that I can't watch 400 films in a year, while watching 700 TV-episodes. So I didn't. And I stopped feeling bad about it. Yay me. So, no complaints that I managed less than 300 films in the past year. Besides, the quality is what counts, right?

And so, we've once again reached that time when I have to come up with my lists of the best and worst film experiences of the year, but before we get to those: Here are the stats.....

Number of films watched in 2017:


- 2016 (288) - 2015 (307) - 2014 (331) - 2013 (401)
- 2012 (405) - 2011 (343) - 2010 (338) - 2009 (302)

- Films watched for the first time: 158
- Re-watched films: 105

Films in play for the top/bottom lists:


Quality distribution (of new films):
- Good: 63
- Meh: 32
- Bad: 20

Format distribution:

Blu-ray: 167
DVD: 5
VOD: 74
Cinema: 17

Decade-of-release distribution:

1920's: 1 film
1930's: 1 film
1940's: 1 film
1950's: 2 films
1960's: 3 films
1970's: 5 films
1980's: 20 films
1990's: 36 films
2000's: 30 films
2010's: 164 films (2016: 66 / 2017: 62)

Most watched films:

Rogue One (4 times)
Arrival (3 times)
Ghost in the Shell (3 times)
Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets (3 times)

Number of TV-show episodes watched:
(not counting old episodes of Mythbusters or game shows)


Number of different TV shows watched:


Complete seasons watched:



And just like that 2018 is off to a great start! Now, if I can just get those damn Top/Bottom lists online earlier than December.... Watch this space....

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